



beaverThe furry animals in hastily doing the zigzag action, they indirectly pocket the circle, his foot when duck foot plate, on the surface planing. It is picked up suitable size branches and small stones in he built their nests, its front feet like hands, in work flexibly.This is the beaver, also called the beaver, is rodentia beaver family aquatic mammal. Its fur is very precious. Beaver body husky, ears small, round, short legs, hind feet long and webbed, tail flat, like a canoe paddle, scaly. Beaver body length 1.3 meters, including tail length 0.3 meters, weight more than 27 kg. Beaver have musk glands, secretion liquid of castoreum, can be made into spices. Beaver fur luster, dorsal brown to dark brown, waist side color is more shallow, lower for fine nap, it covered with a shield of kemp.Beaver small and stocky, probably in the animal world the most intelligent builders. Don't ju, axes, knives, Beaver can bite a tree your hands around not come and trunk. It USES trees to build across the river dam, dam formed under pool is a good place to beaver home. Beaver how to do the hard work? Well, if you can look at beaver mouth inside, you will see a long and sharp premolars. So long and so the sharp teeth of course can bite the tree's trunk. Beaver front tooth not only sharp and strong - they will never wear off, because these teeth has been growing, like beaver life, they maintained a certain length.Sometimes beaver unexpectedly can bite the tree, the tree fell in the water. But if can't do this, beaver seems to also don't worry. They dig a trench (water path), with their own teeth to the tree into the log, the log floating to the place where it is their DAMS.Beaver as construction workers, and works very hard. Each beaver are to do. Beaver no time to rest, they all the time in made room! They hurried back to collect or out branches and stone, dig to the mud, and put his own house made strong and safety. The beaver dam with branches, rocks and mud build up. They are branches coated with mud, build up the dome's lair, internal is 1.8 meters tall. After winter soft mud frozen, hunt sex animals can't intrusion his den. The ice in the open has one or more tunnel portal. Beaver also often in the river or lake shore burrowed and r. Food usually includes tender bark and tree bud.Bryophytes and soft broken bark cause water room warm and comfortable and dry - this is for raising beaver baby to build ideal dwellings.If you see a beaver, you may be sure that other beaver in side. Because they are in the life, one or more family lives together of one hole. Their building is together, the life also together, safely stay together.If the beaver mocked the enemy (wildcats and Wolf hounds beaver as food, and people kill them is to get them bright and clean soft fur), it will be like on the surface can do that, try our best to beat its tail. Pa! Beaver know that sound means trouble. They to water peg, into the water, to his house to go swimming.Each beaver family usually includes a pair of spouses and two nest cubs. Pregnancy 4 months, each production 2-8 young, usually 4 foal.河狸这种毛茸茸的动物在急速地做着之字形动作,它们迂回地兜着圈子,把自己的后足当鸭脚板,在水面上滑行。它正捡起尺寸合适的枝条和小石子在为自己建造巢穴,它的前足就像双手一样,在灵活地工作。这是河狸,也叫海狸,是啮齿目河狸科水栖哺乳动物。它的皮毛很珍贵。河狸体壮实,耳朵小而圆,腿短,后足长而有蹼,尾巴扁平,就像一把独木舟的桨,有鳞片。河狸体长可达1.3米,包括尾长0.3米,体重27公斤以上。河狸具有麝腺,分泌液状的河狸香,可以制成香料。河狸的皮毛有光泽,背侧棕黄到深褐色,腰侧颜色比较浅,下层为细密的绒毛,上面覆有起保护作用的粗毛。河狸小而壮实,很可能是动物世界中最聪明的建设者。不用踞、斧、刀;河狸就能够咬断一棵你的双手环抱不过来的树干。它利用树来建造穿过河流的坝,坝下形成的水池是河狸安家的好地方。河狸怎样做这些艰苦的工作呢好吧,假如你能看看河狸嘴的内部,你就会看到很长很尖利的前齿。那么长而且那么尖利的牙齿当然能咬断大树树干啦。河狸的前齿不仅尖利而且坚固——它们永远不会磨损掉,因为这些牙齿一直在生长,就像河狸的生命一样,它们保持着一定的长度。有时河狸竟然能咬断大树,使树倒在水中。不过假如做不到这一点,河狸看来也不烦恼。它们挖一条沟渠(水中小路),用自己的牙齿把树变成原木,把这原木漂浮到正是它们筑坝的地方。河狸如同建筑工人,工作起来很努力。每只河狸都有事干。河狸没有休息时间,它们的时间全用在造房上!它们急匆匆地返回或外出搜集枝条和石头,挖来烂泥,把自己的房子造得坚固而安全。河狸的坝用树枝、石块和软泥筑成。它们在枝条上涂上软泥,筑成圆顶的巢穴,内部高1.8米。入冬后软泥冻结,猎食性动物无法侵入其巢穴。在冰面下开有一个或多个隧道入口。河狸也常在河岸或湖岸挖穴而居。食物通常包括嫩树皮及树芽。用苔藓植物和柔软的碎树皮造成的水上房间温暖舒适而又干燥——这是为抚养河狸宝宝建造的理想住处。假如你看见一只河狸,你可能会确信别的河狸就在旁边。因为它们是聚居生活,一个或多个家族同居一穴。它们的建筑是在一起,生活也在一起,安全地在一起逗留。假如河狸戏弄敌人(野猫和狼追猎河狸作为食物,而人们猎杀它们是想获取它们柔软光洁的毛皮),它就会像在水面上所能做到的那样,尽力拍打自己的尾巴。啪!河狸知道声音意味着麻烦。它们向水边疾行,潜入水中,向自己的家游去。每个河狸家族通常包括一对配偶及两窝幼仔。妊娠期4个月,每次产2—8仔,通常是4仔

码头 英文美文

The Dock of The Day 坐在港口码头 .


  简单的英语美文1:We’re Just Beginning

  “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”

  I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

  We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

  I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.

  The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.









Writing always does not know what to write, silent collation of their emotions.


People who have suffered are always kinder than ordinary people.


After saying goodnight to each other, you begin to fall asleep and I begin to miss you.


Where there are so many like-minded people, it's just that I see what you like and secretly study it.


If you give your heart, you will get it, but it may hurt thoroughly.


Someone loves each other, someone drives at night to see the sea, and dawn is the future.


If love can't conquer everything, how can it be called love?


True love is to cherish when you can love and let go when you can't love.


Blame me me I can't hide my love. Black circles of eyes are all telling you.


I would rather walk alone in a deep rainy Lane than walk on a busy road with meteors.


1、You came to me Like the dawn through the night Just shining like the sun.


2、Everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks...



3、I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it.



4、I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me.

翻译:在我的生命中有你是多么幸运,当我回忆过去, 眼前就会浮现你的脸庞 ,你总会在那守候着我。


5、Time has passed, and I have loved many women. And as they've held me close, and asked if I will remember them. I've said,“Yes, I will remember you.”But the only one I've never forgotten, is the one who never asked.



6、Take my hand, I lead you to salvation. Take my love, for love is everlasting. And remember the truth that once was spoken, to love another person is to see the face of God. Do you hear the people sing lost in the valley of the night? It’s the music of a people who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. We will live again in freedom in the garden of the Lord.



7、If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.



8、What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn't get to you? What would I have done without you? You're my family. You're all I've got.



9、It is what they do that makes them good or bad.A moment of love,even in a badman can give meaning to life.None of us knows which path will lead us to God.



10、The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.




答:Bodies Without Organs(冰河时代3) - Sunshine in the Rain


When I'm in Berlin you're off to Londo


Even though we are apart, you are in my heart this season. 千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的思念。

i want you stuffed in my stocking. 我只要你塞在我的袜子里。I will be yours forever! 我永远属于你!




To love, change one to love, because this is the true meaning of life!

I want to fall in love with all of my fateful regrets that guided me to this place...  我渴望爱上那些将我引导到此处的命运的遗憾……  I want to fall in love with the sky no matter what moods it's in...  我渴望爱上这片天空无论天气多么变幻莫测……  I want to fall in love with the moon while it lulls us to our dreams...  我渴望爱上月亮尽管它带我们进入梦乡……


一.Man’s dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.





Don't think you're very important. I'll still live without you. It's more wonderful.


The more you worry, the more you worry. The more you worry, the more you worry.
