





Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis

2. Learn some useful sentences:

(1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.

(2)Would you like to come and cheer us on?

3. Learn the future tense with be going to:

(1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

(2)Are you going to join the school rowing club?

4. Talk about preferences:

—Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

—I prefer rowing.

5. Talk about sports and games.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)

T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. The new term begins. This is our first English lesson this term. Did you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays?

Ss: …



T: We all know doing sports is good for our health. Now let’s review some sports and learn some new ones.


T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.

S1: They are playing basketball.

T: Do you like playing basketball?

S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T: How many players are there in the basketball team?



S1: There are five players.


T: What are they doing? S2, do you know?

S2: They are playing volleyball. (教师帮助该生回答。)



(用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。)

(板书,并让学生跟读,要求学生理解cycle, ski;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski

2. (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)

T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing?

S3: Rowing.

T: Good! The phrase “like … better” means “prefer”.



T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer?

S4: I prefer basketball.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

1. (利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。)

T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them. Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please.

S?1: Yes, I do.

T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right?

S1: Yes.

T: OK. When we plan to do something, we can say we are going to do something.


be going to do sth.

T: When I tell you my plan, you retell it with be going to. OK, boys and girls?

Ss: OK.

T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight. S2, please.

S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight.

T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow. S3, please.

S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.

T: Good! When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use be going to.

2. (教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。)

T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon.

S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon.

T: Are you going to swim?

S4: Yes, I am.


—Are you going to swim?

—Yes, I am.


3. (展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。)

T: Now look at the poster. Here is the news. Our class is going to have a basketball game against Class 3 at 5:00 this afternoon. Would you like to cheer them on?

Ss:Yes, we’d love to./I’d love to.


against, cheer, cheer ... on


T: Look at this picture. They are Kangkang and Michael. What are they talking about? Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions.


(1) Which class is Michael’s class going to play against?

(2) Is Kangkang going to cheer them on?


4. (学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。)


basketball—saw—play—almost—every day—against—Sunday—game—term—come— cheer … on—I’d love to—hope—win

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)


1. (根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。)

T: OK. Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles.

2. (教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。)


T: S1, what are you going to do this term?

S1: I’m going to learn English better.

T: What about you, S2?

S2: I’m going to study math hard.

T: Oh, it’s a good plan. S3, do you know what your partner is going to do?

S3: Yes. He is going to learn rowing.

T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.

3. (创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。)

T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term. Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboard.


be going to, play, I’m afraid, homework, summer, play against, I hope



S4: Hi, S5.

S5: Hi, S4. I am going to play … Are you going to play with us?

S4: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays.

S5: Yes. You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on?

S4: Of course. I’d love to. And I hope you will win.


(教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)

完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

1. (通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。)

T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do?

Ss: (Picture 1) They are going to go skating.

(Picture 2) They are going to go skiing.

T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …?

S1: I prefer …

T: What about you, S2?

S2: I prefer …

T: S3, do you often go swimming?

S3: Yes, very often.

T: Good. You can also say “quite a lot/a bit”. “Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming much?”

(板书,并领读,要求学生掌握quite, bit和quite a lot/a bit。)

quite, bit

very often = quite a lot/a bit

I go swimming very often.= I go swimming much.

T: S4, do you go rowing much?

S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit.

T: S5, do you go skiing much?

S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯)

S6: No, seldom.(否)

T: Oh, you don’t like sports. It isn’t good. I think you should join a sports club, and maybe you will like sports there.


join, club

T: Discuss with your partner which sports club you would like to join.

S7: I am going to join the school rowing club.

S8: …


2. (让学生听3录音,并完成3。)

T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot. Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3.


3. (做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)

(挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。)

T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.


S9: Are you going to play basketball?

S10: No, I’m not.

S9: Are you going to play volleyball?

S10: Yes, I am.



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself


① —where did you go on vacation? —i went to the mountains.

② —where did tina to on vacation? —she went to the beach.

③ —did you go with anyone? —yes, i did./no, i didn’t.

2) 能了解以下语法:

—复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

—yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。

3) 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。

2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。

2. 教学难点:

1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。


ⅰ. lead-in

1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。

ⅱ. presentation

1. show some pictures on the big screen. let ss read the expressions.

2. focus attention on the picture. ask: what can you see? say: each picture shows

something a person did in the past. name each activity and ask students to repeat:

stayed at home, went to mountains, went to new york city 6. went to the beach,

visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp

3. now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the

activity,point to the sample answer.

4. check the answers. answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d

iii. listening

1. point to the picture on the screen.

say: look at the picture a. where did tina go on vacation? she went to mountains.

ask: what did the person do in each picture?

2. play the recording the first time.

3. play the recording a second time.

say: there are three conversations. the people talk about what did on vacation. listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture.

4. check the answers.

iv.pair work

1. point out the sample conversation. ask two ss to read the conversation to the class.

2. now work with a partner. make your own conversation about the people in the picture.

3. ss work in pairs. as they talk, move around the classroom and give any help they need.

4. let some pairs act out their conversations.

v. listening

1. tell ss they will hear a conversation about three students’ conversations. listen for the first time and fill in the chart. then listen again and check yes, or no.

2. let ss read the phrases in the chart of 2b.

3. play the recording the first time. ss listen and fill in the chart.

4. play the recording a second time for the ss to check “yes, i did.” or “no, i didn’t. ”

5. check the answers with the ss.

vi. pair work

1. let two ss read the conversation between grace, kevin and julie.

2. let ss work in pairs and try to role-play the conversation.

3. ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

vii. role-play

1. first let ss read the conversation and match the people and places they went.

2. let ss act out the conversations in pairs.

3. some explanations in 2d.



a: where did you go…?

b: i went to…

a: did you see…

b: yes, i did. / no, i didn’t.


section a 1 (1a-2d)

anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, everything

yourself, myself

where did you go on vacation? did you do anything special?

i went to new york city. did you go anywhere interesting?

where did she go on vacation? most of the time

she went to the mountains.





Unit 1 Will people have robots ?


1、Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

2、will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

3、There be 句型的一般将来时. 4、more , less , fewer 的用法.



1、will构成一般将来时态的句式。 2、There be 句型的一般将来时态。

3、more , fewer , less 的用法。 4、How to make predictions .






Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.Greetings: Welcome to school .

What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?(你喜欢你的寒假吗?)

Do you finish your Homework(家庭作业) ?(你完成你的假期作业了吗?)

Do you want to live on the moon ?(你想去月球吗?)

Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?(你能猜出十年后将会发生什么吗?)

Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

SB Page 2 ,1a .

1.Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

2.Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

3.Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

4.Do it by themselves .

5.Talk about the answers with the class .

Explain :一般将来时态

构成: will / be going to +动词原形=

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

SB Page 2 ,1b .

1.Practise reading the six predictions .

2.Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

3.Play the tape twice .(放录音,两次)

4.Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

SB Page 2 , 1c .

1、Pay attention to the dialogues .

2、Read the dialogues fluently .

3、Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

4、Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .

1、Read the predictions .

2、Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

3、Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

4、Check the answers .

学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

1、Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

2、Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

Grammar Focus:

1.、Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

2、Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


1、Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

2、Go over the new words .


Unit 3 What are you doing for vocation

The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening and speaking skill. Reading and writing skills,

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Take walks and keep healthy.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Where are you going for vacation? What’s it like there?

What are you doing there? Who are you going with?

How long are you staying?

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods. Reading and Writing method. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder. A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show some pictures on the blackboard to learn the key vocabulary.

Step III Second B 1a

First ask students to read the five phrases. Then ask students to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.

Step IV 1b

As students talk, move around the class, offering language or pronunciation support if needed.

Then have the class listen to one student ask another about each activity.

Step V 2a and 2b

Look at the picture, please. The reporter is interviewing an actress named He Yu.

Now look at the chart. There are reporter’s question and the actress’ answers.

Step VI 2c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles.

Hello, He Yu. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?


What are you doing … ?

Step VII Summary

This class we’ve learnt key vocabulary and target language. And also we’ve done an oral practice.

Step VIII Homework

Get brochures from a travel agent of find vacation advertisements in newpaper and magazines. Next class we’ll do report on how much various vacation cost. You can ask or find the price for various vacation.

Step IX Blackboard Design


本节课讲授的内容是仁爱版教材八年级英语(上册)第三单元Topic I Section A。这一单元描述hobbies,每个话题都是与学生日常生活息息相关的内容。第一话题I love collecting stamps不单是谈论有关集邮方面的爱好,还有听音乐、做运动等。这极大地丰富了同学们的业余生活,通过谈论彼此的兴趣爱好,既学到了知识,又加深了师生之间的感情。









2、教学难点:used to的用法




①教师简介家人的兴趣爱好My sister likes dancing,but she doesn`t love singing,My brother enjoys skating.He also prefers swimming

②师生对话谈论喜欢做的事情,反复应用What do you lovelikeenjoyprefer doing?巩固用法,增进师生间了解.

3、导入:根据对话内容,教师表达Swimming is A’s hobby.Singing is B’s hobby. Reading is my hobby.

教师拿出部分收集的邮票,边让学生看,边表达,Collecting stamps is my hobby, too. I love collecting stamps.导入Topic 1标题。这样创设情境,自然贴切。


a.听前,提出听的任务,让学生听录音后回答问题。如:What’s Wen Wei’s hobby? Does he often listen to rock music now?

b.然后,教师通过以旧带新,对比法呈现新pleased, colect, painting, valuable.并且推出used to 通过上下文学生会很轻松猜其含义,借助例句知其用法used to do sth.从而在一定程度上突破了难点,同时也为Section B的学习作了良好的铺垫。




①通过同学们编、演对话表现出的浓厚的兴趣,引出格言Interest is the best teacher。然后对学生说:I hope you can be interested in English. 进而呈现新词语,be interested in 由两个例句让学生归纳出它的用法:(板书)

②组织学生运用2a中的图片信息进行看图说话练习,进一步巩固be interested in 的用法。









Unit 3 Our hobbies

Topic 1 What hobbies did you use to have?

Section A

Love/like/prefer/enjoy doing sth please→pleased

be interested in sth/doing sth paint→painting

be fond of doing sth value→valuable
