




Samuel Ullman Youth

is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. it is not s matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is the freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. Wegrow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skins, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. Whether 60 or 16,there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.




Jane Eyre is the novel written by Charlotte Bronte according to her own experiences and it is the most famous works of hers.

 This is also my favorite novel. In this novel, the author shapes an independent woman who pursues true love and equality, and is a good example of all women. 

Jane Eyre is an orphan, and is ill-treated as a little girl. She is neither beautiful nor rich, but she has a beautiful and noble soul.

 She pursues spiritual happiness and fulfillment in her life. Her story is a good example of self-respect and the ultimate significance of life. A soul like that deserves a perfect, true love.


《YOUTH》原唱Troye Sivan(特洛耶·希文)。

《YOUTH》是澳洲超人气新生代男歌手Troye Sivan(特洛耶·希文)首张主流厂牌专辑《Blue Neighbourhood》中的第三支正式单曲。单曲于2015年11月12日美国东部时间下午7点在Shazam Top 20中首次正式公布,并于次日凌晨正式在全球正式发行。澳洲单曲榜ARIA中达到峰值17的佳绩。





In 1970,while heading President Richard Nixon’s National Security Council,Henry Kissinger said,“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”


The Tragedy of Timon of Athens

Act IV, Scene 3

Who seeks for better of thee, sauce his palate, with thy most operant poison! What is here? Gold? yellow, glittering, precious gold? No, gods, I am no idle votarist: roots, you clear heavens! Thus much of this will make black white, foul fair,Wrong right, base noble, old young, coward valiant.


  The story is end. but i have an English version from the internet . it looks so strange.i thought there're some problems with it , but i can't tell . please help me!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!

  The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight.And his calf was even worse shrink.but in his little soul, he got a dream only be belived by himself-he would become an all-powerful player ofAmerican Football.

  he was a fan of Jim brown ,a good football player.when jim's team ,Browns was in match with 49's of San-Francisco ,he always went to the court to cheer his god.

  but because he was too pool to buy a ticket for the match ,so he had to wait to the almost end of the match .At this time , he could get in through the gate the missionary had open.

  at his age of 13,he got a face-to-face chance to meet his god in an ice-cream shop.that is after a match between 49's and Browns.he has been hoping for this time for a long long time .he went to his god in good taste ,then said loudly:"Mr.Brown, I'm your loyalest fan !"

  jim brown saidthank you with pleased .then this boy said :"mr.brown , did you know a thing?"

  jim turned round and said :"boy, what thing?"

  the boy said coolly:"i remember all the recorded that you created,all the embattle that you did. "

  jim brown laugh and said:"that's not easy."

  at this moment , the boy throwed a chest,there're some rays of light in his eyes.then he said with full confidence:"mr.brown ,i will break every recorded you've created someday."

  the good football player listened all his words and said with a smile:"what a manner of speaking! what's your name,kid?"

  the boy said great:"mr brown , i'm o j."

  since this talking ,o j really did as what he said-he broke every recorded jim brown had created,and created even more recorded


吻别英文版是《take me to your heart》,原唱:Michael Learns To Rock。


hiding from the rain and snow 。

trying to forget but i won't let go 。

looking at a crowded street。

listening to my own heart beat 。

so many people all around the world 。

tell me where do i find someone like you girl 。

take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

give me your hand before i'm old 。

show me what love is haven't got a clue

show me that wonders can be true 。。

they say nothing lasts forever 。

we're only here today 。

love is now or never 。

bring me far away 。

take me to your heart take me to your soul 。

give me your hand and hold me 。

show me what love is be my guiding star 。

it's easy take me to your heart。

standing on a mountain high 。

looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 。

i should go and see some friends 。

but they don't really comprehend 。

don't need too much talking without saying anything 。

all i need is someone who makes me wanna sing

take me to your heart take me to your so


Boom Boom Boom - 制作50个 IED (Explosives(爆炸物) + Explosives(爆炸物))加油站附近有很多,或者是西南工业区的烟花厂

Balls of Junk - 制作50个(Junk Ball 垃圾球) (Junk(垃圾) + Junk(垃圾))

Southern Almuda的建筑工地附近有不少砖块,可以用来制作。或者垃圾袋,路障之类都算垃圾。

Hot Headed -制作50个the Flaming Helmet(燃烧头盔) (Chemicals(化学品) + Helmet(头盔))西南面Sunset Hills的学校附近有不少化学品,学校北边还有家玩具店,能见到头盔类的物品,来回跑合成吧。

So Much Easier Than Throwing - 制作50个 Boom Cannon (Explosives(爆炸物) + Gun(枪械))

Toy(玩具) That Creeps Me Out! -制作50个 Jack in the Box(Box(盒箱) + Toy(玩具))

Make It Flame Grilled - 制作50把 Flaming Sword (Blade(利刃) + Chemicals(化学品))

Jazz Hands!!! - 制作50个 Jazz Hands 50(Gun(枪械) + Gloves(手套))

Ryu Would Be Proud - 制作50个 Dragon Punch (Machinery(机械) + Gloves(手套))

Raindrops Keep Melting My Head - 制作 Acid Rain 50次 (Chemicals(化学品) + Gun(枪械))Last Words - 发现Los Perdidos市民们的悲惨死亡


Slippery Customer - 被丧尸抓住后逃脱50次被丧尸抓住后猛摇手柄或是按B键

Getting Warmed Up - 杀5,000 丧尸

Still More To Kill - 杀10,000 丧尸

Going Pro - 杀53,594丧尸

Joining the Big Leagues -杀72,000丧尸


人力资源的英文缩写是HR,HR是Human Resource(人力资源)的缩写。现代管理学及管理类畅销书将戴维·尤里奇(Dave Ulrich)奉为人力资源管理的开创者,并认为是他最早提出了HR-“人力资源”这一概念。
